Monday 18 July 2011

A few days to catch up on...

Sorry it's been a few days.

So lets pick up where we left off. I ended my last update on Friday. I had three Quorn sausages for my tea with a spoonful of garlic mayo.
On Saturday I was really good all day and didnt eat anything. I drank plenty of water, saving myself for our chilli. I was amazed at how many calories and carbs even veggie chilli has in it. I was a little naughty afterwards with a Mars icecream. This was repeated on Sunday with a fast all day until I went home to the parents house. There I had a full roast dinner followed by fresh fruit salad which was lovely. Today, once again I have been really good, I have had two sausages for my dinner followed by a little fruit and two digestives. I'm hoping to follow this diet this week and then the cabbage soup diet next week ready to get into my dress.

Fingers crossed!

Friday 15 July 2011

Friday 15th July- AM post

Morning all,

Harry Potter final installment out today so off to watch with my mum today! I've watched all the others with her so it's a bit of a family tradition now.

Was on the late shift at work tonight so got in and tuned in the first episode of the new series of Torchwood. It was good but just a little too americanised from the original. Hopefully it settles down. As a result of being on the lates I'm in the process of adjusting my body clock back to normal hours today. I got up at 9am and had my protein shake with my lactofree milk. Lactose intolerance for someone from the West Country is not fun, at least the lactofree products have helped.

I'm about to head down to the supermarket to pick up some bits and pieces for the week ahead. I'm off on annual leave but will be staying around the house getting some extended gym time in. As a result I will be increasing the protein content of my food again for the next week. The week after I will be a little naughty and use a bit of a crash diet with good old cabbage soup - it's my birthday on the 31st and I'm going out so I want to look my best, even if it is only losing water weight!

Anyway, the plan will be for next week to have a bowl of All Bran for breakfast, with Quorn protein and veg for my other main meals. In addition I'll be snacking on bran and fruit. I find this food plan really works for me because it aids with my muscle building in my gym work outs plus I love Quorn and veg. The bran is to ensure I keep my fibre intake up.

The plan for the rest of today will be to come back from the food shop and to then do an hour at home with the weights. Today I'm just doing a dumbell workout with some core exercises. This is something I can do using the weights and exercise ball I have at home. I normally try to do 4 sessions a week at the gym and at least another two at home. I also break it down into separate days for upper body, lower body and core intensive workouts. These are repeated twice a week with one complete rest day. In the last month I have found I have almost been able to triple the weights I am lifting on my upper body, admittedly I didn't start particularly high but it's all progress. I can also now manage a press up!

I will update tonight with what I've done.

Wingnut :o)

The Final Push - the story so far

Ten months ago I was an unhappy 13 stone UK size 16 wearing 23 year old. I had been slim as a teenager but injury and medication had led to a huge increase in weight over recent years. Having started a new job I felt it was time to move on with my life and get slim again.

Over the past ten months I have lost nearly 3 1/2 stone and am now down to a UK size 10. I have achieved this by changing the medication I was on, eating less junk food and getting down the gym.

I am now looking to lose the final stone and to tone up so thought I'd start this blog to chart my progress. I'll be weighing myself weekly and keeping a diary of what I eat, what I do to exercise etc. I'm looking to lose a steady pound or so a week to ensure I keep the weight off, so hopefully in just over 3 months, just over a year after I started I will be at my target weight of 8st 7lbs. This will still leave me in the healthy BMI range.